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What Are The Types Of Fiberglass Materials?

There are many classification methods for glass fibers. Generally, it can be classified

 from the aspects of glass raw materials, single -silk diameter, fiber appearance, production 

method and fiber characteristics:

1. Press the glass raw material composition

(1) Alkali -free glass fiber: Also known as E glass fiber, the R2O content is less than 0.8%, 

which is a kind of aluminum borosilicate ingredient. Its chemical stability, electrical insulation

 performance, and strength are very good. It is mainly used as electrical insulation insulation.

 Materials, FRP enhanced materials and tire curtain lines.

(2) Mid-alkali glass fiber: The content of R2O is 11.9%-16.4%, which is a sodium and liquid silicate

 ingredient. Because of its high alkali content, it cannot be used for electrical insulation materials,

 but its chemical stability and strength are good. Generally as latex cloth, grid cloth, acidic filter cloth,

 window screen substrate, etc., can also be used as a glass fiber reinforcement material that is not 

very strict with electrical performance and intensity.

(3) High -alkali glass fiber: The R2O content is greater than or equal to 15 %. Generally, the glass 

fiber made of broken flat glass, broken bottle glass, etc., can be used as a battery isolation tablet, 

pipeline bandaging and felt Waterproof and moisture -proof materials such as films.

2. Press the diameter of a single silk

(1) Crude fiber: The diameter of a single silk is generally 30um.

(2) Primary fiber: Its single wire diameter is greater than 20um.

(3) Intermediate fiber: Single wire diameter 10-20um.

(4) Advanced fiber: also known as textile fiber, its single wire diameter is 3-10um. Glass fiber with

 a single wire diameter of less than 4um is also called ultra -fine fiber.

Generally, 5-10um fibers are used for textile products. Fibbral fibers of 10-14um are generally 

appropriate to make non-twist coarse gauze, non-woven fabric, short-cut fiber felt.

3. Fiber appearance

(1) Continuous fiber: Infinite fiber is mainly made of leakage plates. After textile processing, it can 

be made into a glass gauze, rope, cloth, band, non -twisted coarse yarn and other products.

(2) Determine fiber: Its length is limited, generally 300-500mm, but sometimes it can be longer.

 For example, it is basically a messy long fiber in the felt tablet. For example, the long cotton made 

of steam blowing method is only hundreds of millimeters after being pulled into a hairy yarn. Other

 products such as wool yarn, one rough yarn and other products are made into wool or felt slices.

(3) Glass wool: It is also a fixed glass fiber with a short fiber, generally less than 150mm or shorter. 

The form is fluffy and similar to cotton wool, so it is also called short cotton, which is mainly used 

for insulation and sound absorption.

4. Fibrous characteristics are divided into

This is a new type of glass fiber that is newly developed in order to meet the special requirements 

of special use. Fiber itself has certain special excellent performance, which can be roughly divided

 into: high -strength glass fiber, high -mode glass fiber, high temperature resistance glass fiber, alkaline 

resistance resistance Glass fiber, acid -resistant glass fiber, ordinary glass fiber (referring to alkali -free 

and medium -alkali glass fiber), optical fiber, low -agent electric constant glass fiber, conductive fiber, etc.



Contact: Miss Gao

Phone: 13780340222

E-mail: boxianfiberglass2000@gmail.com


Add: Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province, China